Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Table dancing

We took the night off tonight and it was soooo nice. Claire was suppose to have her school Christmas program tonight, but the snow took care of that. So then we were going to go to swim team practice, as usual. But then, I had a moment.
I stopped (something I really should do more often) and looked around. Here is what I saw:

It was 5:20, we had to leave in 40 minutes if we were going to, barely, make it to practice.
My husband was blowing snow, bless his heart.
The big girls were playing in that same snow.
The baby was HAPPILY playing by herself in the "kitchen room" (Ella's name for the upstairs playroom b/c it has the play kitchen in it).
I was trying to make something for dinner that would satisfy both the kids and adults.
Claire had homework.
Ella and Avery needed baths.... you get the idea?

So, I said to myself, "Self, take the night off. Enjoy the evening. Play with the girls. Give baths. Catch up on laundry. Lighten Up!!
And we did just that.

What a wonderful night! We ate (pasta with chicken, yeah, big surprise!). The girls told stories about their day. Claire did her homework, man that kid can read. I was listening to her tonight wondering, "who taught her to read like that, when did that happen?" Such a blessing that I can easily take for granted!

Then the big show! The girls turned off all the lights, except for the "spot lights" above the fireplace. They lined up the dinner chairs along the back of the family room. Then they took turns "performing" on top of the coffe table to the music of the Fabulous Traidmarxx. It was amazing. The best ballet (Ella) and tumbling/singing/dancing (Claire) I've ever seen. Avery loved it! She sat in a big chair between mom and dad, clapping and laughing!

Then, off to bath (thanks Dave!) and bed. I had enough energy left to put away laundry and finish, yes finish! our Christmas cards.

So, tomorrow night, we're off to swim practice! But that's okay. Because tonight, I was in the moment. Tonight, I enjoyed my kids and my husband and didn't worry about what needed to be done, or what should be done. I took the time to watch as they danced on the coffee table and quietly thanked God that we have never gotten around to replacing it with a nicer one!