Saturday, November 14, 2009

Game Plan

Okay, Team Rouse.
On 4...
Grandma take Ella to dance
Mom frost cupcakes
Grandma take Avery for nap
Dad take Ella to Nutcracker Rehearsal
Mom take Claire to swim meet
Grandma, Dad, Mom head to end zone for birthday party
On 4...
Hut, hut, hut, 4!!

Oh my, there are days when I think I can't handle this game of life. Too many places to be, too many things to do, too many kids to care for. But then I remember, I'm not alone.

I have a great team! I have parents that are always there to help. I have friends with a shoulder to lean on, a phone to cry into, and an extra booster seat in the back of their van.
I have a husband who is actively involved in the care of the kids and house. A husband who gets up early to make breakfast and pack lunch boxes so I can get a few extra minutes of sleep. A husband who empties the dishwasher, just because it's full and makes the beds just because they need to be made. Yes, we are a great team.

But, the most important part is our coach. When I can remember who is calling the shots, who has the game plan all laid out, and who knows exactly how the game is going to end, I don't have to worry so much. I can just focus on my part of the action. If I can spend a little more time in the huddle, in prayer and meditation, my game is definitely better.

Dear Lord, Thank you for being my coach. Thank you for surrounding me with such a great team. Lord, help me to remember that you have the game plan. That you are my defense, my offense and my cheer squad. Lord, help me to be a kind and loving team mate. Help me to be an example of your love, both on and off the field! Lord, I put all of my teammates in your care. I ask that you love and protect them and bless us all. Amen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

They'll make fun of me...

Congratulations to the Rouse girls on filling up their marble jar!

We have a Positive Behavior System at our house that entails a jar, some marbles and good behavior. Every time we catch the girls being respectful, responsible, safe or caring they get to throw a marble in the jar. Once the jar is full, they get a special activity with mom and dad.
Now, before I get too much "great mom" credit, I should tell you this is straight out of their classroom. It works there so why not at home too!

Anyway, the girls filled up their jar and chose to go to the new Waukee YMCA swim park for their treat. Sunday we packed up the swim bag, threw on our swim suits and headed for the door. Until this....

"Mom, I need to change my swimsuit", says Ella, a little teary.

"Why? You have your favorite suit on. Let's go!" I respond.

"I can't wear this. They'll make fun of me." Replies my sweet, innocent 5 year old. Pointing to her Disney Princess pink swimsuit with a tutu ruffle.

I can't tell you how quickly my heart fell. How low I felt. How sad I felt to hear my sweet girl tell me such an ugly truth about our world today. "They'll make fun of me."

Uhg, I hate that! Where does this come from? Why have we become people that A. worry so much about what others think of us and B. make fun of people or judge them based on how they look or what they wear!

I of course tried to reassure her that people wouldn't make fun of her. That she looked great. And then I turned to the important point: we don't care!

I reminded her that the only people whose opinion we care about are mom, dad and God. I reminded her how beautiful she is, inside and out. I reminded her that God loves her and made her perfectly the way he wanted. I reminded her that people that make fun of us aren't worth worrying about and certainly aren't our friends. I told her to keep that suit on and wear it proudly....

Ella looked at me, smiled, and said, "um, I'm going to go change my suit now, okay?"

Oh well! I tried!

The only other thing I can do is try to surround her with people who are kind and loving. I can make sure that I know her friends, that I know who she plays with. I can be present, whenever possible, to listen to how they play and how they treat each other. I can make sure that she stays active at church and in it's wonderful fellowship. I can make sure that she continues to have her special times with grandparents. That she gets treated with all the love she deserves.

Thank you to our good friends and family for always loving my girls no matter what. For being such great examples of love, tolerance and kindness. It really does take a village, and a couple of busy minivans!

God bless you!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Oh boy! Are we in for some trouble....

Here is the latest shenanigan from our dear Aves.
Where do you suppose she learned this? : )