Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Eggstravaganza!

As you know by now, I'm big on traditions.
So much so, that if I can't do something "like I've always done it",
it just may not get done.
Such was this year's Easter plans.  It all started with my
mom being out of town over Easter.  Then throw in a lot
of travel in March, Easter coming early in April and the next
thing you know, I didn't plan our annual Easter party.

Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you,
it was!  We've been hosting the Rousehouse Easter Eggstravaganza
for 10 years! 10 years of tradition, out the window.
As you can imagine, I was quite sad.  I was angry with myself
for not being superwoman and getting it done.
What I realized was that I didn't get it done because I didn't 
think I could do it perfectly.  Luckily, I have fantastic friends
who love me, encourage me, and don't want to dye eggs at their house!

So, days before Easter, plans were in motion.  Our dear friends,
The Keplingers, invited us to their house for Easter dinner.
I even made homemade mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes
all by myself (minus a few texts to mom!)
We had such a great time and felt very loved, welcomed,
and full!

Next, our best family friends The Liskeys,
and of course GiGi and PaPa and Boppa, came over and we
threw together an abbreviated Easter Eggstravaganza!
I'll tell you a secret, Dave and I both thought it was the best
Easter party we've ever had!!
We didn't have cupcakes, we didn't have games,
we didn't have the fabulous craft, but we did have fun!
And, most importantly, we dyed eggs and did our famous
Easter Egg Hunt!  Dave and I threw together 150 plastic
eggs the night before and 149 were found!
We also threw in a new twist: grilled burgers and The Masters!

What did I learn from all of this?
I'm not perfect and no one wants me to be.
Our friends come over to celebrate Easter because they
love us and because we want to take a day to laugh together,
to play together, and to enjoy the wonderful gift that Easter
has to offer: love and hope.

So, traditions are important and I will never stop 
harping on that.  But, good friends, open doors,
and flexibility are important too.

Many blessing to all of our dear friends and family.
We love you all!

Here are just a few of my favorite pics from the party.
Enjoy ~

10 kids coloring eggs ~ amazing!

Not sure what's happening here, but I love the expression!

Aves loves her Miss Wendy!

Great group of kiddos ~

Avery is serious about egg hunting!

15 yet Claire?


Everyone checking out their loot ....

and eating it as fast as possible!