Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby Claire turns 10!

Happy 10th Birthday Claire Rene!
Our lives changed forever the day you were born.
We became better, stronger, and more faithful when
you were given to us.  We also became more scared,
paranoid and exhausted, but it's all worth it!

We say this often, and it's absolutely true, you are an
amazing girl.  You are kind, smart, thoughtful, generous,
clever, creative, funny, talented, and all around wonderful.

When I was pregnant, I often dreamed about what your future might hold.
I hoped you would be healthy, happy and safe.  I hoped that you would
do great things in this world.  I hoped that you would care for others
 and go out of your way to make the world a better place.
You are only 10 and my dreams have already come true.
I pray that you continue on the path that you're taking.  The path
of faith, goodness, love, patience, obedience, and joy.

You are our pride and joy!
Happy Birthday Claire Bear!

Claire Rene Rouse 11-15-01

Dave in the "pregnancy belly" at Lamaze class.

10 year old Claire with her Herky pillowpet

Claire and her 10 year old loot!  We gave her 10 items to represent 10 years old.
They included some little girls stuff: squinkys, etc and some big girls stuff:
earrings, etc.  She is a big girl, who is still my little baby!

My three beautiful girls: 10, 7, and 4!

Ahh, she is gorgeous!

Birthday party at Pump it Up

Everything is better when it glows in the dark!

A great group of girls to celebrate with Claire ~

The 10 year old Queen! (I should have included the 'outtake' that
showed the 10 year old sassy face!)

Mom, rockin' the 'T-rex hates pushups' tee.  Yeah, I have a 10 year old!

Happy Birthday Claire Rene!