Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We will never forget...

I have shared this before, but I feel the same way today:
11 years ago today, I was 31 weeks pregnant with Claire and
had just spent the night in the hospital. We were sent home
very early that morning, and I was put on bed rest.
As I laid in bed, unable to get up or get away, I watched
the plane hit the second tower, live on TV.
I remember the next few days as a blur of crying, fear, disbelief, shock.
Mostly, I remember praying and asking God how I could
bring a baby into this world. What would happen to her?
What kind of world would she grow up in?
I was so scared of what her future might hold.
As the days turned to weeks, and months and years,
I still go back to those same questions:
How can I bring a baby up in this world?
What kind of world will she grow up in?
Except today I have a different answer.
Today I know that she is here to make a difference in this world.
This side of heaven is not always easy. It is not fair. It is not just.
But it is so full of possibility. Full of opportunity.
I believe that we have a chance today to make a difference.
We make a difference in the lives of our children.
We raise them showered in the Grace of our loving God.
We teach them to practice peace and kindness.
We keep them by our side, as we serve those in need.
We make sure they are rooted in faith and truth,
and then we let them go.

I believe today that my baby, the baby I was so scared to
bring into this world, is going to do amazing things.
I don't know exactly how God will use her, but I have faith that
it will be in beautiful and wonderful ways.

Lord, I pray for peace. I pray for your protection
from evil. I pray that you guide our hearts and our
actions as we go out today and everyday to
proclaim your love and serve in your name.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Family fun day at Adventureland!

Dave and I packed the girls up and headed out to Adventureland
for some end of summer fun!  We had a great time and experienced some
really cool "big kid" parent moments:
1. No stroller, no diaper bag.
2. A lot more rollercoasters
3. Dave and I can't ride spinning rides, but the girls can
4. Our kids actually like each other
5. We all really love warm, sugary donuts

Without sounding overly dramatic, it was the Perfect Day!
We laughed, we got along, we learned a little magic.
We ate bad food, we ran at full speed, we won some junk.
We are crazy blessed with 3 amazing kids and one awesome marriage!

I think Ella summed it up best; "we have a lot of family traditions mom.
Can this be a new one?"  Oh, yes it can!

The girls and I rode this over and over. Then, as we were leaving,
the 3 girls rode it some more, by themselves! Yes, Dave and I
sat and watch out girls riding a big ride, by themselves! Wow!

I did make them ride a few kiddie rides just to make me happy!

The first of several roller coasters!


I love the laughing girls, that just minutes before were claiming this to be a
"boring, baby ride!"

One of our favorite parts was a last minute stop at the magician show.
We had a ton of fun, were wowed by his awesome tricks and
managed to come home with several 'illusions' of our own!

Every now and then I get a moment to stop and realize
how awesome I have it. Today was one of those days.
Thank you God for my wonderful family!