Friday, June 19, 2009

The exciting days of our lives.....

Wow! So much has happened since I last posted.
Where to begin:
* Janelle has finally adjusted to full-time work. Apologies to all of those who had to work through that with me. It was not the easiest adjustment, but they never are. I'm glad to say I now get up every morning by 6:45 without too much trouble. I am now able to come home every afternoon and not complain the entire evening about having to go back. I have even learned how to run errands and go to kid's activities in the evening and still find time for house chores and hubby time. Who knew there was so much more time in the evening when you don't spend it complaining and wishing for more!

* Ella Grace graduated from Preschool. Yes, my baby #2 is heading off to Kindergarten this fall, just one day after she turns 5!
I have a very hard time believing that my little baby, my red-headed little spitfire, my snuggle bug, the light of my life, is going off to the big K.

Claire completed 1st grade with flying colors. She is such a kind and
caring girl. We are very proud of her. I wish I could have the empathy I see in her.
She is also our most sensitive. Of the three girls, she had the hardest time adjusting to me going back to work. I think that because she has
had me home all her life, and is old enough to know the difference, she
really struggled with me being gone in the morning. I usually get home
soon after her, but it was the mornings that she struggled with the most.

I also had to learn to balance work and volunteering at her school. As
home room mom I had responsibilities, but as Claire's mom I had to
"be there". She wanted to see me in the classroom, laminating and cutting, like I used to. I learned that taking 2 hours out of my day to "volunteer" in her classroom was well worth the cost to make her feel better, and me too!

And Avery, well, Avery is Avery. Sweet, funny as can be, TROUBLE, cuddly, daring, brave, smart, curious, couragous,
tricky, talented, hilarious, vibrant, a blessing from God.

She definitely completes our family... Yes, I am NOT having any more kids!

Avery makes the world a better and place and to be able to be a part of that, to watch that happen as she grows, is truly something this working mom does not deserve!

Blessings to you all.

