Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good mommy

Okay, this is ridiculous! Tomorrow the HIGH temperature is -4 degrees! How is that possible? The low is -17 degrees which is even more ridiculous. And to top it off, no school! That's right, let's freeze us out and lock us up together.

So, I have two options for tomorrow. I can be "good mommy" or "bad mommy". Seems like an easy choice, doesn't it? But it's not always. Sometimes being "good mommy" is hard.

I don't always want to talk nice. I don't always want to listen to the same question, comment or concern for the third, fourth and fifth time. I don't always want to make a warm breakfast, clean up the dishes, put away the left overs and then 2 hours later, do it all over again. I don't always want to be "present". I don't always want to play Sequence, Candyland, Webkinz, tea party, Pixo's, American Girl, blocks, dress-up or grocery store. I don't always want to be referee, medic, coach, cheerleader and water girl. I don't always want to be "good mommy". Sometimes I want to be "bad mommy".

Sometimes, I want to sleep in and make them find their own breakfast. Sometimes, I want to turn on the T.V. shut my office door and play on the computer. Sometimes, I want to yell at the tattler and send the tattlee to her room, without even listening to the complaint. Sometimes, I want to send them to "play nice downstairs" and then complain that they're laughing, screaming and playing too loudly. Somtimes, I want to stick the baby in her high chair with Froot Loops and leave her there until she's begging to get out. Sometimes, I want to go in the laundry room to fold laundry, and then linger longer than needed until someone finds me. Sometimes, I want to throw my hands up and say "leave me alone already" when I all they want is a little attention and love. Sometimes, I just want to be "bad mommy".

Now, sometimes "bad mommy" is as good as it gets, and that's okay. "Bad mommy" still loves her kids and provides the most basic of needs. "Bad mommy" has the right to appear every now and then, guilt free!

But tomorrow, I'm going for "good mommy". I'm going to plan ahead, pray for help and jump out of that bed ready to go. I'm going to cook breakfast, play with kids, make crafts, bake cookies, read books, play house, build a tent and make a living room picnic lunch...... Then I'm putting the baby to nap, popping some popcorn and putting the girls down with a movie, while I play on the computer.....

Can't be "good mommy" all day!!

Enjoy the cold, and hug your family today, it'll keep you warm!