Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Survival of the fittest

During my morning commute, I know it's still weird to think of myself as a "commuter", I listen to 107.1, our local Christian music station. It plays great music to help me get my day started on a positive note. It also has little "uplifting moments" through out the morning. Well, the last 2 days I just happen to be in the car when the same little segment from Max Lucado was played. It was called "Survival of the fittest". I thought it very pertinent to my present life situation.

Max talked about how we live by this motto, "survival of the fittest". We work to be the biggest, best, brightest, most successful person we can be. And then, when we do accomplish something from our ever growing to do list, we take all the credit for being "the fittest". Max's point was that the credit does not go to us, it goes to God.

I like this thought and I took it further in my meditation today. I realized that so often my life is centered around this idea of "survival". I spend my days in a mad dash to get everything done just right, to be the best mom, wife, friend, employee I can be. I make lists, plans and tactical maneuvers to make sure that I not only survive my crazy day or week, but that I come out on top, the "fittest". I think that if I get everything done, organized, cleaned, completed, tucked in, and loved just perfect then I will advance to the next stage of super-mom evolution!

The problem is, that's not the point. "Survival of the fittest" is not God's plan. He doesn't want me to be super-mom or to kill myself and others trying. He wants me to be the best example of His love that day that I can be. If that means getting on the floor and rolling around with the girls, so be it. If it means leaving dirty dishes, dirty socks and dirty diapers (well, maybe not the diapers) then so be it. "Survival of the fittest" does not bring me happiness. "Survival of the faithful" does.

Everything I have today, everything I am today, is a result of the Grace of God. My job is to live each day, at home and work, like I have been given that Grace. I need to be an example of peace and serenity and love, not chaos.

Now, before my liberal friends log off and never come back, I thing Darwin was on to something! There is no doubt that we have evolved over many gazillion years and that we continue to evolve. I'm not talking science here, I'm talking faith. I can't live my faith life with the same "survival" principle that guides the sciences.

As I continue to evolve, God, let me live not to take credit for all I have, but to live in gratitude and humility for the life you have given me.