Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's all about family...

It really is all about family.

Friends come and go.
Jobs grow and change.
Neighbors move and move again.
But, family is always there.

I come from a large, close family. We don't get
to see each other as often as we'd like
(we're spread across the country), but when we
do, it's always a good time.

I love my family. All of them. They're good, kind
loving people. And now, there's more to love!

I was blessed to become an Aunt to the cutest little
bug since my bugs were born!

Baby Sophie! Oh, how we love her!

Avery talks about her all the time, even though she's
actually only met her once. She even has started
telling people her name is Sophie.
(I'm still not sure I how feel about that. Although
it's better than her "I'm Roxy the dog" phase!)

Sophie lives too far to play very often, but we love
her all the same!
Here are a few pics of my girls getting acquainted
with their new baby cousin ~