Saturday, January 29, 2011

The exciting adventures of Avery Suzanne!

Avery is so lucky to attend the best preschool in the world!

A bold statement? Yes, it is! Bold and true!

I love her teachers and the great adventures they have together!

I love the freedom of knowing that she is in good hands, even if their not mine ~

The Fab Four!

I can't do it alone.
I love being a mom.
It is my life's work, my passion, my everything.
But, I can't do it alone.
I firmly believe in the whole "village" concept.

For our family, the center of the village is God.
He guides us, cares for us, and loves us.
We find him in everything we do, especially who we choose to
surround ourselves with.
That is where God often shines the brightest.

Our first circle out is our family.
Our strongest support, our closest relationships.
My girls have no idea how blessed they are to
have so many family members loving them,
supporting them, watching and praying for them!

Our next circle out we find our family friends.
These are the people that we turn to,
in good, bad, sad, exciting, all times.
Our family friends no everything going on
at the RouseHouse and love and support
us through it all.
Our family friends know we love them, no matter
how long it's been since we said it.
We have standing appointments with our family friends.
Camp, swimming, church, holidays, special occasions, everything!

The third circle finds our "best friends".
This is where it can get tricky.
These are the girls that help shape my girls thoughts,
decision, actions, values, ideas, music......
I can't control who my girls choose to befriend,
but I sure can influence that choice!

Luckily, Claire has an amazing group of friends.
They are all kind and honest through and through.
I like them, I like their families.
Doesn't get much better than that!

This year we decided to celebrate that friendship
with a time capsule.
The "fabulous four" as they call themselves,
all descended upon our house for a time capsule
creating sleepover!

They came up with some great things to include,
pictures, new and old
a scarf one of them made
letters to their "future-selves"
a CD compilation of their current favorite music
a few odds and ends.

They also took some time to knot a blanket to
give to a shelter for those less fortunate.
The fab four our well-cared for,
but are learning that not everyone
is as privileged as them. They are learning
that to those much is given, much is expected
in return! And, that it can be done with
a full and joyful heart ~

The Fabulous Four, kindly including Avery!

The Fab Four ~
Making the time capsule, to be opened January 2020!

Making the blanket, took much longer than expected,
but they had a great time!

Settling in for bed, and again, kindly including
a little sister!

Thank you to my village. My circle of family,
friends and moms who help me so much.
Often, without even knowing just how much!

Thank you for your amazing examples
of faithful parenting, friendship and discipleship!

I am so grateful for each and every one of our
friends, near and far!