Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blizzard of 2012

Finally, snow.
Enough said.

The girls brushed the extremely heavy snow off our  tree.
They saved that baby for sure!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Avery's Christmas Program - Baaaa!

I am so in love with Avery's new preschool.
Originally, we had planned on sending her to the same preschool
the older girls attended.  It's a great preschool, but for some
reason, I was really being pulled to find something different.

So, 2 days before school starts, I sent a desperate late-night email
to my neighbor, who also is the director of a local church-run preschool.
Now, if you know anything about preschools around here you know
that you can not call days, weeks, or even months before school 
and have a prayer of getting a spot.  Well, by the grace of God, they
happen to have a spot that just became open, and it had
Avery's name all over it!

I have not regretted that late night decision for one second.
Avery is doing so well there. She is making friends, learning some cool
stuff and gaining confidence and independence everyday!

One of the coolest things about her new school: the Christmas program!
I don't know how they did it, but they had all the kids, in costume and
singing for all the teary-eyed parents.  What a blessing (and miracle workers)
these teachers are!

Aves was a sheep, and about the cutest sheep I've ever seen.
Best quote: Teacher, "Avery be sure to smile."  
Avery, "I can't smile. I'm a sheep. Sheep don't smile."
Luckily, she couldn't resist a couple grins for her adoring

Avery, we love you to the moon and baaaaack!

Enjoy a few video clips!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Christmas Letter - 2012

Merry Christmas friends and family,

The tree is decorated, the stockings are hung.  George the Elf is hanging around and the cookies are made.  Now, I am anxiously awaiting our first snow, scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and then it will really feel like Christmas around here.  The only thing left: our annual Christmas Letter.

Life is good.  We are all in a very good place right now, which is such a blessing. We are healthy, active, enjoying life.  But, this wouldn't be the Christmas Letter without details, so here you go:

Claire is amazing! Seriously, such a great kid.  She is doing great in 5th grade, mostly because she is so busy (she is so her mother's daughter!).  She is in pre-algebra, plays percussion in the band, sings in the choir, participates in the talented and gifted program, serves on the student council, and is a great friend to many. When she's not at school, you'll either find her on the computer doing homework, on the piano practicing, at the gym doing gymnastics, or at the pool swimming for the Walnut Creek swim team.  Despite the long list of stuff, she actually does find time to hang with friends, read, and even play with her sisters quite a bit.  Claire is a great kid.  She is smart and kind and faithful and so wise beyond her years.  We've taken to calling her our "old soul".  I am so grateful to God, my family and the great group of friends we have around us that have helped guide and support her, and will continue to do so.

Ella is awesome!  She still loves attending school at Sayre, and is relishing her year as the 'oldest kid'.  She is a great role model and leader in class and takes her school work and responsibilities very seriously.  She is advancing through her academic work very quickly, and is so proud of her accomplishments, as are we! Ella  is our early bird.  She gets up well before anyone in the house and loves to make her sisters breakfast before spending time playing the piano.  I have grown quite spoiled waking to the music of her practice every day!  She is enjoying swim team this year, and is quite the fish in the water.  Ella is still our sweet, gentle spirit. She loves to lay in bed, or just about anywhere, reading.  She is always doing something kind for someone, without ever looking for reward or recognition.  She is such a loving sister and great friend.  I am so grateful for her continued health this year, and for the blessing she is to us and to so many around her!

Avery is a one-of-a-kind! She has really grown up this year and has started to become such an amazing little person.  She is fiercely independent and scary smart. It is so neat to watch her maneuver through this life, with such maturity, and wit, and creativity, and pure genius!  Avery started a Pre-K program at Westview Church preschool and she loves it.  It is the perfect fit for her.  She is making friends her age, she is learning so much, and she is experiencing all the joys and fun of preschool. She is also enjoying several preschool classes this year, including; tumbling, Spanish and story-time.   She still swims and can't wait to join the swim team with her sisters. Aves is still my baby!  She and I are extremely close and I can't imagine my days without her next year, when she heads off to Kindergarten. Until then, I am enjoy every hilarious moment and cherishing her big heart and even bigger mouth!

Dave and I are still going strong!  We are really enjoying the bit of freedom we are beginning to experience now that the girls are getting older.  Dave is still very happy at Hummel's Nissan. I spent last year working more than I ever have and am very grateful that I know that is not for me, or this family!  Surprisingly, as the girls get older, I seem to be even busier! I need my daytime just to prep for our crazy afternoons and evenings!  Plus, I've earned this time!  I've been home for 11 years with kids non-stop.  I'm ready for some quiet days at home!  I'm still doing a bit of adjunct teaching at DMACC and a whole lot of volunteering at school and church, so I get my 'grown up' fix too!

Every year, as I write this letter, I get to reflect on our year.  What we've done, how we've grown, where we've struggled.  Most years, I can smile and see that, while we aren't perfect, we are so very blessed.  Our greatest blessings remain the same this year: the grace of God, our loving family and our incredible friends.  We are so grateful to all of you for being a part of our lives, however big or small it might be.

Many blessing to you and your family, and much love from us all!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Janelle, David, Claire, Ella, Avery, and that annoying little dog, Jack