Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Trees, Tinsel and George

Where will you find the Rousehouse on the Sunday
after Thanksgiving?  In our 'piano room' putting up the 
Christmas Tree, of course!

As is tradition, we put up our tree while taking lots of pictures.
 I use these pictures for our annual Christmas card.
Well, this year I grabbed my camera to start snapping away,
and low and behold, no battery!
Yikes! Now, I have been known for my occasional meltdowns,
especially when they involve my kids, cameras, and special
moments/traditions.  But, I held it together like a trooper, 
grabbed my iphone, and started snapping away.

Sadly, the pics didn't turn out as well as I would have liked,
but I'm okay.  We still had fun, I stayed happy, and the tree is
still there, all lit up and bedazzled like no other!

As for our Christmas card, I used some beautiful pictures 
from our trip to Yellowstone instead, and if I say so myself,
it turned out quite nicely!

Avery and her homemade ornament that she made 2 years ago,
then dropped and superglued back together

My 3 beautiful angels~

~being muzzled by my precious first-born

Ahh, the joy of sisters!

Love, love, love!

Our silly pic!  That is Ella, stroking her santa beard! 

I had to let Jack get in on the fun too!  He is very good and never
bothers the tree.  

A fairly new tradition at our house is Elf on the Shelf.
This little Elf arrives at your house, from the North Pole, 
on Dec. 1st and watches over you and then reports back to 
Santa.  He moves around every night, and in some homes
he even makes quite a mess.
Our Elf, named George by the girls, is a slight variation
of all this.  He does come to our house, to celebrate the Christmas
season.  We aren't too big into the naught/nice/Santa thing.
We try to keep the focus on God and that everyone is naughty
but we are forgiven through Christ Jesus.
But, we're all in for a little Christmas fun now and then too!

George has been a nice guest this year, wandering from one
place to another most nights (he did forget once, silly elf!).
One morning I went downstairs and found that Claire and
Ella had left notes for George.  This was done completely on their
own.  I was so touched by their kind letters and especially
by Ella's sweet request.  I am so grateful for their kind
and giving hearts.  

George, our elf

Their notes to George.  Ella's is the white paper, Claire's is the sticky note.
Notice Ella's wishlist: fish tank, glass doll, for 100 more kids to love God.
Claire gave a shout out to George for "doing a good job".
Such sweet, sweet kiddos!