Friday, June 3, 2011

Last day of school!

Schools out for the summer!!!
I have to admit, I love having the girls home!!
I love summer!
I love the freedom to sleep as long as we want,
eat breakfast when we want, play around all day,
swim and swim and swim,
playdates and camps and motorhomes
friends and family!

I am so grateful that I get to spend the summer
with my girls.  Snuggling and laughing and
breaking up fights!
Ahh, yes, summer!! : )

The girls both had great school years this year!
Claire breezed through 3rd grade and is ready to tackle
4th grade!  She received all S and E on her report card
(that's very good) and made some great friends.
Ella did great in 1st grade.  She grew leaps and bounds
academically and emotionally.  She made some great
friends and we are extremely proud of her!

I am a little overwhelmed to have a 2nd and 4th grader.
I can actually remember being in 4th grade, and it does
not seem like it was that long ago.
But, I am not going to dwell on how old they are.
Instead, I'm going to cherish this sweet summer and
my beautiful girls!

Ella and her band, "The Rockstars" ~ BFFs!

My big girl Claire!

Ella and Mrs. Welch ~

Claire and Mrs. Sander ~

Celebrating the last day of school with a little DQ
What wonderful sisters!

Wow, 3 great kiddos!  I am so blessed!