Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Avery's latest.....

As you know, I find Avery to be terribly funny.
I also know, I have a strange sense of humor!

Avery imitating Daddy's snoring, while at lunch

I try to burn into my memory some of Aves funniest moments.
I never want to forget this time in her life.
She is so funny.  So quick to please.
She loves making me laugh.  She loves making anyone laugh!

I'm the first to admit that she's a handful, there's no doubt about that.
But, I see right past that.  I see right to the smart, clever,
kind, funny, determined, incredible kid that she is becoming.

I pray that I never forget that laugh, that smile, that
twinkle in her eye when you know she's been up to no good.
I don't care what anyone says, I love it!

Here are a few of her latest Avery moments that I hope never to forget:
1. Stupid
2. Dude
These have become Avery's favorite action words.
Does she get in trouble every time, you bet.  But that's all part of the fun for Aves.
The other day she asked Dave, "Daddy, is stude a bad word?"
He asked, "is that stupid and dude mixed together?"
Aves replies, "yes." with a smile!
So Dave replies, "then yes, it's a bad word". 
Gotta love it!

Some of my other favorites:
When I won't do what she wants...
"Mom, I'm counting to 3, you give me that ______ right now!
No arguing. Right now!"

Avery has recently refused to eat vegetables.
When I tried to insist, she looked right at me and said,
"Rule #2. No peas!"
End of story!

While zipping up our coats to head out for the day ~
Rubbing her chest, "Mom, I don't have any elbows.
You have big elbows.  I need to get some elbows quick!"

She elbows me all of the time.  For no reason, just elbows me, hard!

Dave and I once counted, she said "mama" in the car 37 times.
Seriously, she never stops talking! Never!

'Boy' is what she calls Jack. She loves Jack.
She plays with him all day and always calls him Boy.
She's called Rico, the other dog.

I could go on and on, but I won't
I am going to try to be more deliberate with
capturing her little moments and sayings.

I know there will be a time when she's not nearly
 so cute! : )

Video updates

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted on here.
It's not like we haven't been busy having fun and playing around.

I'll try to get a few posts up to share how we have been
enjoying this last month.

First up: you know it's spring when the Rouse girls are in the tree!

(Notice the role reversal for Boppa and I.
He is the worried parent, I'm the amused grandparent!)