Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have to do what??!!

Okay, so I never thought going back to work was going to be easy.
I was totally prepared for my house to fall apart without me. I expected my kids to cry every morning when I left and to be waiting by the front window for my return.
I expected my husband to call me throughout the day, just because he missed seeing me at home during his lunch, or just plain missed me.
I expected my house to fall apart, dishes everywhere, dirty clothes piled high, homework forgotten and undone.

Well...not the case.

No, that's right. My kids are fine. Yea, just fine the little boogars. They don't even bother getting up before I leave and hardly notice when I arrive home. Now, Avery does always come running for me saying "mamamama or dadadada" but then usually laughs and runs away when I go to hug her.
My husband doesn't even seem to notice my absence. If fact, I think he likes that I'm up, showered and out the door before he even gets up!!
As for the house, thanks to Rachel, just as clean and organized as ever.

No, the only thing falling apart around my house is me!
About the 4th day I realized: I have to get up every morning and go to the same place. I have to shower, dress and drive everyday! I have to look nice, sound nice and act nice everyday!

And then, I have to come home, undress and start my second job. I have to take over for Rachel. Cooking, cleaning, playing and loving.

No, going back to work isn't everything I thought it would be, but it's great none the less.

I love my freedom! I love using big words and learning new things! I love dressing up! I love conferences and working lunches! Yes, I'm a big girl now and I like it!

Don't worry I miss my mommy life too. I really miss sleeping late! I know there will be days and weeks that I wish I could go back. But I also know that is not the plan for me right now. God has given me an opportunity to make a difference, to grow and learn. I'm going to take it for all there is!