Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Avery: the school girl!

If there is one certainty in this world, it is this:
Avery will never be left behind!

Our baby Avery is a big girl!
And, she has a big girl backpack to prove it!

Avery is off to Sayre Montessori as well.
She is in their Pre K-Kindergarten classroom.
This is such a perfect fit for her!  She gets to
hangout with kids all day, playing and learning!
When "the little kids are sleeping", Avery
gets to continue to learn with the Kindergartners
in her class.  So cool!

Aves first day of school!  How is it possible that
I have 3 kids in school!?!?
Don't let her fool you, she is NOT shy!

Aww, my big girl!

Now, there's the Aves I know and love!

Mr. Jansen, one of her 2 teachers, walking her in ~

Her own hook and cubby ~

I am so grateful for Avery.  She is such an amazing kid!
And, I'm so grateful for the brave teachers at Sayre
that are going to take what makes Avery so special
and teach her to use if for good! : )