Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ella's 7th birthday celebration!

Birthdays are my favorite!
I love celebrating, creating traditions, and remembering
and reflecting on the years before.

Ella's birthdays always seem to span at least a day or two!
I don't know if it's because it falls right in the middle of such a busy time,
or if it's because of the huge weight of gratitude we feel to have Ella
healthy and happy.
Either way, Ella knows how to celebrate!!

This year started with an early morning family celebration.
 Next came a 2-day shopping spree with Grandma Johnson.
She and Ella shopped, ate, shopped, celebrated, and shopped some more!
This was followed by a fun friend party with a special surprise from Grammy and Boppa.
Happy Birthday my sweet Ella ~

Chocolate chip muffins with a candle for her birthday breakfast ~

Ella was less than thrilled with her new bike helmet....

until we surprised her with the electric scooter that went with it!

Watch out world! Ella has wheels!

I was not at all sure how this gift would be received.
I know Ella well and I knew 1 of 2 things would happen:
1. she'd hate it and make sure we knew it and take an entire
day to get over it -or-
2. she'd love it and have so much fun riding.
Honestly, Dave and I were completely prepared for option 1,
which made the fact that she absolutely loved it that much sweeter!

We were amazed how brave Ella was and how quickly she
learned how to scooter!  Her scooter goes up to 10 mph
and she is comfortably riding it to her friend's house,
3 blocks away (supervised by me or Claire on bike, of course!)

Ella got to spend her birth'day' with Grandma Johnson.
Between the flowers, cake and shopping I'd say they
had a pretty awesome time!

The birthday celebration wrapped up with her friend party.
She had 3 great little ladies over for a "Flower Power"
sleepover party!  I even research some fun crafts, that weren't
a total disaster (they were better than the cookie cake, that's for sure!)

Great friends!

I had to get an Avery moment in there! I love Ella's
patience with her little sister!

Believe me, looks better than it tasted!
Even the kids were scraping off frosting by the end ~

Happy 7th Birthday my amazing Ella!

I guess the tall, sparkle candles weren't such a great idea ~

This is my favorite picture of all time!
Look at how Ella, scared, grabs her sister's hand.
I will cherish this picture forever!!!

Let the crafting begin ~

They did a great job ~

The big surprise of the night: a very special present
from Grammy and Boppa.
Ella's very own itouch!  No more sharing
with Avery or begging to borrow Claire's!

Ella Grace is my reminder that there is so much good in the world.
She reminds me to be kind, and sensitive, and loving.
She is a faithful example of God's love and what it looks like
to be brave and couragous, even when life is scary and hard.

I love her completely.  I love her generous heart.
I love that she is so challenging one minute and so caring the next!
I love that I was able to spend another year with her and
for that I am so grateful!