Thursday, January 8, 2009

Moments in time

How do we measure time? In moments? Minutes? Gray Hair? I tend to get quite reflective this time of year, as it is my wedding anniversary and birthday. Yes, I'll be 34 tomorrow! Don't look a day over 40!

Today, Dave and I celebrate 9 years of marriage! Wow! What a deal. There are times that it feels like just yesterday, and then there are times that it feels like an eternity!

We moved in together after we were married (makes us seem so old-fashioned doesn't it?) into a tiny little apartment. We loved that place! It was our first little love nest. We adopted our first cat, sunny, who arrived full of fleas, ear mites and PTSS (post traumatic stress syndrome). After nurturing sunny back to health and surviving a couple scary work moments (remember that long walk Dave?) we bought our first house.

I'll never forget the day we found our first house. We cut through town on 52nd St. for some unknown reason and saw the house. We stopped, looked, fell in love and bought it that day. So many incredible memories:
* Dave and I loved to relax and watch TV. We loved just being together and hanging out.
* Claire was born on Nov. 15, 2001. We brought her home from the hospital to a clean house, with candles lit and soft music playing (thanks Ashley!). Sunny sniffed her then walked away with his tail in the air!
* Claire's first tree swing and first play set.
* Our first Christmas as a family.
* All of Claire's firsts are burned into my memory. I will never forget that house or all the joy that was shared there.

When Claire was 1 1/2 we moved to our second house. We found our place in the suburbs! I became involved in our church and mom's groups. Dave and I enjoyed hanging out with friends and taking care of our house and yard. We had Ella when we lived in this house. What an experience. Ella came into this world with a broken heart, but managed to fill our hearts with so much love we didn't think it possible. Dave and I learned so much during our medical journey with Ella. We learned the importance of communication and forgiveness! We learned how to truly surrender to God and have complete faith in our Almighty Healer. Dave and I discovered that together we can survive anything and that we are stronger on the other side!

God blessed us with our third child the summer of '07 so we moved again. Avery was welcomed into our new house on Sept. 24, 2007. Things have been a roller-coaster ever since!

This last year has been a lesson in communication and faith. It has been riddled with fear, excitement, change and challenge. Through it all one thing has remained constant: we are a family and Dave and I are a team. We remain together, side by side, through the bad times and the good (and there have been so many good!) We stay faithful in prayer and remember that with God, all things are possible!

I am excited to embark upon another year with my husband. I'm excited to continue this journey that God has laid out for us. I can't wait to watch my children grow and change. To see Ella head off to Kindergarten. To see Claire continue to mature right before my very eyes. To watch Avery learn to walk and talk, maybe, please!
I look forward to the changes in store for us. New jobs, new homes, new adventures!
Thank you to all of you who have helped Dave and I survive, I mean enjoy, these last 9 years!
Here's to many more!
I love you, Dave.