Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last day of school!!

Lunches packed. Backpacks on. Pictures taken. Hugs and Kisses given. Carpools gone. 
Mama left home alone to reflect on this tough, but totally awesome, year! 

This year has been such a huge adjustment with all 3 girls in school. 
Big changes for Claire, going to MS. Big adjustment for Ella, going to public school. 
Huge change for Avery, going to Kindergarten. Life-changing year for mama, left home alone! 
After several months adjusting, I can say that I couldn't be happier! 

The girls did so great this year! They changed, some for the worse, mostly for the best! 
Ella found her voice! Avery found some friends and book smarts. 
Claire found even more awesome things to do. 
I found out that I have some cool, and different, things to offer to life. 

All my worries, my fears, my anxiety. It wasn't necessary!
My girls are stronger, smarter, tougher, happier, all around more awesome
than I give them credit for!
Today, they are 180 days smarter!

Bring on summer break!! I can't wait to enjoy the laughing,
fighting, playing, swimming, and all things summer with my
beautiful girls!!

Sweet Ella!

Who learned how to "stay fierce" this year :)

Beautiful Claire enjoyed every minute of middle school!

My babies!

They do love each other!!

Ella has really enjoyed riding her bike to school this year.

Buggie is very sad to leave Mrs. Schroeder.
She was very blessed to have the BEST K teacher in the world!

My big girl!