Sunday, December 9, 2012

First snow of 12/13!

It wasn't much, but it'll do.
We have our first snow of 12/13!!
If only it would last long enough to give us a white Christmas.

As soon as we saw the snow, we bundled the girls up 
and headed outside.  These days, snowfall if too rare around
here and we wanted to enjoy it before it all melted away.

A couple snowmen later, and we were ready for
some hot cocoa.

Enjoy this beautiful winter wonderland ~

~ Beautiful Ella ~

Avery throwing her first snowball of the year at me!

Aves making her snowman

Claire made snowcones for everyone!

Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to the wonders
of fresh fallen snow and the giggles of girls and their snowmen!
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be
present with my babies today and everyday.