Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chopsticks and tears

I can't really think of anything that brings me more joy than
watching my girls do something they enjoy and are proud of.
Watching them conquer their fears and nerves, and then
beam with pride always brings tears to my eyes.
I don't care if they do it perfect, or even well.  All I care
about is that they try, even when they're scared.

This year's first piano recital was extra special.
1. It was so cool to see how "calm and cool" Claire was
before her performance.  I remember last year, and she
did not look so calm then!
2. It was Ella's first piano recital.  She was nervous, but so
excited!  She sat through the first half, wringing her hands,
but smiling and leaning into me every now and then.
When it was her turn, she popped right up, walked to the
grand piano, and beautifully played "Papa Hayden's Orchestra"!
Way to go Ella!!  I think I cried with pride longer than she actually played!

Claire and Diane

Ella and Diane

All three of my girls and my piano teacher!