Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oh, those crazy kids!

As my baby grows so quick, I'm trying to take the time
to jot down some of the hilarious things she says and does.

Avery keeps us laughing all of the time!
Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's naughty
but with Avery, it's alway funny!

Today I'm working in my office and Avery says,
"mom, close your eyes and come to the kitchen"
While this is never a good sign, I go ahead and do it.

"Avery's Animal Haircutting Place!" She yells excitedly
as I turn the corner to the kitchen.
Notice the decorated, and cut (her favorite thing lately)
placemat her brand new hampster is sitting on for his haircut.

Even better, after she was done with "Douglas" she told
me to sit down so she could give me a cut.  I passed!

When Avery isn't busy cutting her lovey's hair,
you'll find her talking about Jesus.
I remember all of my girls going through this phase.
I like to call it the "Jesus is my friend, where is he?" phase.
I love it!  This is right about the time that they have
learned how much Jesus loves them.  That He is always
there to take care of them, watch out for them, etc.
But it also the developmental age that makes
understanding that which we don't see or touch difficult.
So, I know Jesus is real and He loves me so....
as Avery said the other night before bed,
"Mama, can you call Jesus and ask him to come
to my house tomorrow for a playdate?"
Jesus is real and He loves her, now can He play
tea party too???

When we aren't busy laughing (lovingly) at Avery we
are enjoying the "big girls".

Claire is having a great week!  Swim team started again
and she is testing for ELP (Talented and Gifted).
I told her that it's an honor just to have high enough
grades and scores to test, and I'm proud of her even
if she doesn't get in next year.  Kind of like the same
way it's an honor just to be nominated (yea right!) ; )
Claire also was blessed to attend 1st Communion classes
and receive her 1st Communion on Maundy Thursday.
It was so special to celebrate this huge spiritual
and "grown-up" milestone with our best friends
and family.  Thank you to everyone who came and
made it so special. 
I could not be more proud of Claire and the truly good,
inside and out, girl that she is growing up to be!!

Ella is having a great week as well!
She is also excited about the start of "summer" swim team.
She is also having a great week playing with friends.
Ella is finally creating some great neigborhood friendships
on her own, as opposed to the "little sister".
She has really formed some good, close friends lately
and it's fun to watch her enjoy more playdates and
even a sleepover here and there.
Another great playdate opportunity is big sister's
softball games.  While Claire has fun playing ball,
Ella has a great time playing with all of the
"little sisters".  We are lucky to have some great
families on our team this year, and a great coach as well.
Thanks Grandpa Johnson for coaching the Pirates!!

All in all, spring is off to a good start.
Enjoy a few of Avery's latest "one-liners" ~

~ I'm going to sue you!
~ These flowers look condemned!
~ I need a rope. I'm going up to see Jesus.
~ After whining to her teacher to zip her coat, the teacher
finally tells her to use her "big girl words".  Avery response,
"oh forget it!" and walks away to find someone else to help her!
~ mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama??????
~ I love you!