Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jungle adventure

Today was nature day at the Rousehouse (not one of my favorite activities)!

We had a great time! We have gotten a lot of rain recently and then a few
huge storms this morning. All that rain added up to some pretty exciting
nature views.

First we headed down the bike path through the wooded area of
Country Club (or as Avery calls it, "the jungle") We spotted a couple
of deer and a lot of puddles and worms!

Avery loves being in charge of Jack!

The spillway was incredible. The rushing water
was so loud!

Our next stop was the lake. It was overflowing!

These rocks under water are where we usually
stand to fish.....

We all enjoyed watching some HUGE fish
surfacing close to the edge. They had come
out, from deep down in the middle of the lake,
for some of the easy food washed up by the rains.

The girls just couldn't resist getting in....

And then in a little more.....

I have to admit, this was one awesome nature walk!
We all loved seeing the power of water and the beauty
of God's handiwork!