Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wow! What a day!

When it comes to motherhood, some days are harder than others.
Today was just one of those days.

This afternoon, after a long and fun time at the St. Patty Parade, Avery decided to climb out of her crib, all by herself! One minute she's in bed, the next minute she's in the kitchen saying, "it's morning time Mommy! I get up now!"
I was completely shocked. I didn't hear a sound. I have never had a kid climb out of her crib before and I'm not all that thrilled to have one now. Looks like we'll be shopping for big girl bedroom furniture this weekend! (a small tear rolls down my face as I post this. I am not ready for my last baby to grow up so quickly. How do I make time slow down?)

So, since she was up, I decided to take her to the park for our first "spring" outing. We arrived at the park. She took her first step onto the playset, then missed the second step. Fell down, smacked her mouth and chipped her front tooth! The chunk of tooth was stuck to her top lip! It was awful, for me! Avery cried for a few minutes then ran off to continue playing. I, on the other hand, had a harder time pulling it together.

I was devastated that this happened to her. For one thing, I've been through this before. Claire chipped the exact same tooth when she was a toddler and eventually had to have it pulled and the permanent tooth is having trouble finding it's way home as a result. Claire is 8 1/2 years old and still without that front tooth!

The other reason I'm so upset; I loved that kids big, toothy grin! It was one of my favorite things about my baby. She has the best belly laugh and toothy grin of anyone I know.

As quickly as Avery is growing, I was hoping to hold on to that smile for as long as possible.

Now, as the evening has rolled on, and Avery has managed to play and eat pizza, I realize that she is going to be fine and she still has the best little smile around, even if it is a little lopsided!