Thursday, October 29, 2009

My favorite time of year

Fall is without a doubt my favorite time of year. I love the weather, the leaves, the start of school, the end of hot days, the smell, the memories, the upcoming holidays.
The best part: Halloween. I love celebrating this spooktacular holiday. Now, I know what they say about ghost and goblins and yada yada yada, but I love it anyway. And not for the spook part. I can't stand haunted houses and I've never summoned a spirit, well except for that one sleepover at Lisa's house in 5th grade, but no spirits were listening that night. No, what I love is the season. The dressing up and running around outside eating candy and having a grand time. What other time of year do we do that. What other holiday allows me, no requires me, to buy candy by the pound? Yes, Halloween is the holiday for me.
Enjoy our pics from this year's trip to Living History Farms, one of our favorite Halloween traditions.