Sunday, December 12, 2010

Musicals and mud huts

Claire's class is studying Native American tribes and she was
assigned her first "research project". She had to research what
a typical Cherokee homestead would look like and then create a
model and explanation of it. In true Rouse fashion, she waited
till Sunday and then got to work!
It was so cute to watch her research and take notes and
go back and forth about what she thought was important
and what she wanted to focus on. I definitely saw a little
of her momma in her in this project.
The best part, watching how excited her Dad got!
I don't know who had more fun, Claire or Dave!
When it was all said and done, she did a nice job, and had
some great bonding time with Dad. Not a bad day!

Final product: A Cherokee Home, complete with farm and fire

We also had Ella's Fine Arts Night this last week.
I was so proud of Ella. She was excited to perform with
her class and even more excited that she had a
"special part".
When we got there she was a little nervous, but once
she hit the stage the performer in her came out!
She sang and laughed and even chatted with her
neighbor once or twice.
All in all, it was a fabulous performance!

Shuler's 1st grade stars!

Ella on the xylophone!