Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Ella!

Happy 8th Birthday Ella!

Wow, 8 years!  Sweet, loving, beautiful Ella.
You continue to remind all of us what is important
in life.  You cherish every moment.  You appreciate
all the beauty around you.  Your smile lights up a room.
Your compassion and gentle spirit can move me to 
tears in one moment, and then inspire me to do better
the next.  You not only remind me to slow down 
and enjoy life, but you make me actually want to slow down!

Ella, be brave.  Be strong.  Be confident.
God has such plans for you and has given you all
the tools you need.  Continue to shine, to grow,
to lead, to love.

We love you our sweet, sweet angel ~

To celebrate Ella's birthday we decided to have a spa party!
We invited a great group of girlfriends and set out to 
get all beautiful and then show it off with a little shopping
at the mall!

First stop: hair and nails at the salon ~

There was a lot of curling going on!

8 going on 18!

Ella was so kind to invite her big sister along for the fun!

Lunch break ~

What a great looking group of girls!

Next stop: ice cream!!

Finally, some shopping for everyone at Claire's Boutique

Ella's favorite place to eat is Bravo, so that is where we
headed for an evening birthday celebration.
We were very lucky that Uncle Dean and Aunt Rachel were 
visiting at the time.  It made for an extra special celebration!

Happy 8th Birthday Ella Grace!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Fair Cousins

The perfect end to summer: IA State Fair and our Cousins!

The girls love their cousins and were so excited
to get to spend some time with them. 
We made it extra special by piling everyone into the
car and driving to the fair together!
Once there, we wasted no time digging into
some yummy treats, visiting the animals,
and eating a few more treats!

These were some hungry goats!

Sophie and Avery enjoying their first cotton candy, with big sis Ella

The girls love Sophie so much!

Avery thought it was really cool to ride in the stroller.  Ahh, just like old times!
I've said it before and I'll say it again;
I love my family! 

I am so happy that my girls get to grow up knowing
how much they are loved by so many and that
they get to share that love with such a great family!