Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Avery

Happy Half Birthday my sweet, sweet baby!
I hope you always know how much you are loved!
I hope you never lose that fiesty attitude!!

We love you so very, very much!

Monday, March 23, 2009

and baby makes 3....

So as not to leave Avery out.
Here is her latest escapade!

I'm running around putting laundry away and picking up and I notice Avery is no longer following me around.

While I enjoy the peace for a moment, I wonder what she found that's better than bugging me.

So I call, "Avery?"

"Mama!" I hear. "Mama" again.

I follow that sweet little voice to her sister Claire's room.

Voila! She's climbed up to the top bunk and is enjoying a good book!!!
She smiles at me. Completely unaware of just how lucky she is.
"Hello down there!"
To be so easily entertained!
God bless my crazy, happy Avery!

Why I do it

No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. 1 John 4: 12.

Look at these beautiful faces. Everyday I am amazed at their beauty. What gifts!

My children remind me everyday what Love is really all about: Sacrafice, laughter, forgiveness, kindness, crafts and cookies!

My husband reminds me what it feels like to be Loved: Safe, happy, free, warm, trusted, protected, giddy and goofy!

It's so easy for me to forget about Love. I get so wrapped up in the "business of life".

Get up, get showered, get dressed, get breakfast, get going, get in, get updated, get busy, get working, get fed, get out, get home, get dinner, get clean, get jammies, get to bed!

There is so much more to life than just getting it done. I have to stop, I have to feel, I have to laugh, I have to enjoy, I have to relax, I have to love.

God does show his Love through us. Everytime my baby runs to me saying "mamama" burying her head in my legs. Everytime my Ella runs to me, dancing and twirling and laughing. Everytime my big girl turns to me and says, "mama, I love you".
What am doing to show God's love? Am I showing grace when I want to complain? Am I showing faith when I'm in doubt? Am I showing love, to all those I could be? Probably not.

But the best part... there's always tomorrow!