Wednesday, February 17, 2010

10 minute parenting

10 minutes to perfect parenting. Sounds like a book I'd buy. Unfortunately, it's just not a reality. But, I have discovered that I can really make some headway in good parenting in just 10 minutes.

Claire and I have started a new "tradition". Refer to earlier posts if you don't know my love of "tradition, tradition!" (Great, I have that song stuck in my head now!)

Anyway, Claire and I have started a new tradition. Every night, right before I tuck her in, we do several pages of Brainquest questions together. It only takes 5 - 10 minutes, depending on how tired I am. But the reward is amazing! We sit, all cuddled up in her bed, and I quiz her. The cool part, we have a great time. She is so smart, I actually am shocked sometimes when she throws out the right answer. She loves it when she gives me an answer and I have to flip the page to see if she's right (sorry, I don't remember all 4 parts of a green plant!) We laugh, learn and bond. I have more of a connection with my daughter in those 10 minutes at 8:00 at night, than I do all day long. In those 10 minutes, she knows I love her and care about her and just how important she is to me. In those 10 minutes, I feel good. I feel loved. I feel right.

I used to think it was so hard to be a good mom. Well, I still think that! But, for the most part, I allow my expectations to make be believe that it's hard to be a good mom. My kids love me. They want me to pay attention to them, remember what they tell me, spend a little time with them, and occasionally go out of my way for them. That's not really too much to ask. If I can slow down just long enough to do that, every now and then, we're going to be okay!

Now, if I can just get Avery to stop sticking her tongue out at people I'll be doing alright!