Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring time fun!

Spring came early in Iowa this year, so the Rousehouse
is taking advantage of all of the nice weather!

We are really enjoying having 3 "big kids" playing
and having fun!  Avery is getting so big, Ella is getting 
so brave, and Claire is getting so independent (and sassy!)

Outdoors has been our theme this spring, and
bike riding has been on top of the to-do list.
Aves loves riding bikes, probably more than
either of the bigger girls ever did.  She is riding up and
down our street all the time, just enjoying the breeze
and peace and quiet!
Ella is even taking a turn at bike riding.  That has never
been one of her favorite things, so it's very nice
to see her try and succeed!

While I fear what the temps will be like this summer,
I am very grateful for the beautiful weather we had
this March.  I have made an effort to get out there
and enjoy it with my kids.  I am grateful for 
the laughter, the memories, and the fun.
I could do without the skinned knees, but
that comes with the territory!

We visited the Easter bunny at the mall this year, 
something we never do!  As you can see,
Ella chose not to hang out.  Big costumed
characters have never been a favorite at our house!

We do love a good train ride though!
I don't think I'll be able to squeeze my babies in there much longer!

Avery is a fearless adventurer! She loves to go to the
park, any park, and climb, slide and run!
Here she is attempting the monkey bars, 
after attempting them by herself and falling 8ft.
down and getting right back up.  I stayed close
for this one, but she didn't need me.
She made it all the way across by. her. self!

More climbing...

So proud of herself!

Aves is getting so big, she even likes to get her 
hair cut now!  She let Miss Jenn shampoo her like a 
big girl.  I love these moments, but I hate them too.
Why can't I just freeze time and enjoy it a little longer??

Avery on her big girl bike!

What a beautiful girl!
This is Avery, with her "animal holder".
As you may know, Avery loves her stuffed animals.
I don't mean like normal kids, I mean she loves them!
She always has an animal with her and is as 
devoted to them as anyone I know.
On this day, she tied her sweater up to serve
as an animal snugglie.  

Our first picnic of the year came in late March.
How crazy is that!?  We grilled hot dogs and 
enjoyed the unseasonably beautiful weather!

I may be busy.  I may be exhausted.
I may have cleaning to do, or a show to watch.
I may have shopping to do or laundry to sort.
But I will only have these 3 angels, at this age 
and in this moment, for a short time.
I will enjoy it!

Happy Spring!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

1/2 birthday celebration!!

Please stop growing up!!!
That is what I'm always saying to Avery, to which she
laughs and laughs and says she'll keep growing forever!!

As the big girls will tell you, we never really do 1/2
birthdays, except for the baby!! : )
I can't help it.  I have to celebrate.
Part of it is that she is my baby.
The other part is that she is such a handful
I have to congratulate myself for every 6 months
I make it!

Here is Aves at her bday lunch at Red Rossa, yum!

Avery decorated her own bday cake.
We were very brave to eat it!

My big 4 1/2 year old!

Aves decorating her cake ~

I love each of my children for the wonderful,
unique person they are.  They each complete me in a
different way and they each make my life very 
full of love, laughter and happiness!