There are moments, when I am doing something with one of my kids, or I'm watching them play and I think, "who is this child? Where did my little girl go?" Today was one of those moments.
The Rousehouse was busy, as usual. Showering the two little girls, and mom and dad. Making beds, flipping pancakes, reading books (Ella read an entire book on her own today for the first time, Clifford at the Farm boardbook, we are so proud!!).
During the hustle and bustle, Claire is snapping pictures of the family on her DSi and making them look all funny, thanks a lot for that feature Nintendo, no help needed to make my bedhead look funny. Anyway, I sat down for a breather, or more honestly, I hid under my covers for a few minutes of peace. However, during my brief escape Claire comes over to show me a funny pictures and says to me, "hey Mom, check this picture out. Let's post it on Facebook!"
"What?" I say not sure I understood her.
"Let's post it on Facebook, mom" she answers.
"Facebook? What do you mean?" I ask. Still not understanding this teenage talk from my 7 3/4 year old.
"Facebook, mom. On the computer. You can just click on this F here and go straight to it. We can post it on your page." Answers my daughter like that's a totally normal thing for a second grader to say.
"How do you know about Facebook!" I ask. Ready to call the school and complain.
"Mom, everyone knows about Facebook. You know, you're on it all the time on your Blackberry!"
"Oh ,that Facebook" I say. Busted!!
They just don't miss a thing. So, I punched in my parental code to access the internet on her DSi, thanking those great people at Nintendo for that handy feature, and we, my daughter and me, uploaded our first picture together on FB.
"I'm sorry, but who are you??? Where has my baby gone!"