Wednesday, December 8, 2010

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

With happy hearts and jolly laughs,
we pull out all our arts and crafts.

We hang some lights and ornaments,
candy canes and peppermints.

On our tree we love them all,
some home-made or not at all.

Either way they are so special,
because they make our tree so special!

Job well done sister!

Sisterly love (only at the holidays!)

Oh, what a cute little angel!

Even Barbie helped out this year!

New this year: Caroling around the piano!

A day in the life of Avery

As I often say, things are always entertaining with Avery around.
Here is our conversation from this morning.

Mom: getting dressed and ready after showering for the day.
Avery: "I want to take a bath mom."
M: "Not today Aves. You took one last night and it's almost time to go."
A: "But I want a bath. I need a bath."
M: "Well, sorry, not today. Maybe tonight."
A: "I don't understand! You aren't making sense. I want a bath!"
Getting a bit more agitated at this point. Voice rising. Hands on hips.
M: "Avery, we don't have time for a bath right now. We are getting ready to leave."
A: Very angry now. Hands on hips, staring straight into my eyes, "You are making me so mad. You're not making sense. I want a bath."
Storms out of my bathroom.

2 minutes later: Avery walk back into my bathroom with only a diaper and undershirt on.
"I'm ready for my bath, mom." She says sweetly.
M: "I'm sorry Avery, but you're not taking a bath. Let's go get dressed."
A: Growls loudly at me and stomps into my closet. Picks up my stool and announces, "you are not being a good listener. I'm taking your stool until you can be a good girl!"
Takes my stool out of my bathroom, slams by bathroom door shut.
At this point, it's all I can do not to totally bust out laughing. I finish getting ready.

2 minutes later, door opens slightly, Avery leans in and says, "are you ready to listen to me? I want to take a bath."
M: "Well, I understand that Avery, but we are now leaving to run our errands."
A: Very loudly, "You are not being a good listener!" Slams door.

1 minute later a piece of paper with scribbles (I can only imagine what they said!) slides under my door. I pick it up and open the door.
A: "Are you ready for my bath now mom?" All sweetly.
M: No longer unable to laugh, I pick her up, swing her around, tickle her tummy and tell her I love her and would she like some M&M's (it works every time!)
She gets dressed and we move on, enjoying the rest of our day together.

God bless this amazing child!
Here is a picture of her, on the stool she took from me, during our "discussion".