They are held in Ames at Iowa State University.
It's quite a production. The entire campus is crawling with athletes of every kind. There is an opening ceremony, parade and awards ceremonies!
The swimming events were held at Beyer Hall, which is Iowa State's Swimming Center. Just having the chance to compete in a "big pool" is cool enough, let alone doing well!
Claire competed in 6 individual events and 4 relays. 1 of the individual events she had never done in a meet before and another she hadn't swam all summer.
Well, despite the nerves, the venue and the blistering heat, Claire kicked some swim fins!
She finished in the top 3 (good enough for a medal) in 9 out of 10 events. Her non-medal finish was 4th place by a hair!
And the best part, she loved it! She once again had the opportunity to try something new. To show up, with nerves and fears, and go out there and do her best! And, have a great time doing it!
I was so proud of her. There was no one else her age from our team there, and only a handful of older swimmers that she knew. I was not allowed to be on deck, or in the clerk of course with her. So, I gave her a hug, told her I was proud of her, and sent her off. What a great feeling to watch her come walking through those doors, suited up and ready to swim. She looked so small, yet so big at the same time. My heart swells every time I watch her grow. Every time I see her walk through fear and come out the other side braver, stronger and proud!
As a proud mother bear, I try to protect my children at all times. I try to pave the way for them, blocking any danger or hurts along the way. But then, God reminds me that I have to let them go too. I have to let my girls experience life and discover what God's plan is for them.
While letting her swim at the Iowa Games may not seem like that big of a deal, it's huge to me. It's huge because it's one more opportunity for me to step aside and let her "step up" and do something outside of her comfort zone. Now, would I be this mushy if she'd lost? Who knows! But, I'd like to think so. I like to think that under it all, I'm just happy when my girls come up on the other side. Whether it's the other side of the swim lane, the other side of a health crisis or the other side of hurt feelings. I hope I can always be there waiting for them, probably with a camera in hand!