Saturday, January 24, 2009

Watch what you wish for...

Happy 16 month Birthday, Avery!

Our baby is 16 months old today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I know we all say that, but I really can't. I can so vividly remember being pregnant with Avery, and the days and months right after she was born. She was such a sweet, sweet baby. Oh, how I miss those days!

I've been anxiously waiting for my little bug to start walking. I've been complaining about her delayed development in this area, and concerned about her stubbornness in achieving this milestone. Well, apparently God knew what he was doing because, she's walking... and she's twice as much trouble now!! But she's also twice as cute!! I love watching her explore on those two wobbly little legs. What a doll!

The Rousehouse started a new tradition tonight, "Family Wii night". We ordered pizza and played Wii all night long! What a great night! Dave and I raced each other in Mario Cart ( I won ), we all played 2 games of bowling ( Ella and I won ) and Claire and I played tennis ( Claire won ). We had so much fun. Avery walked all over the place, playing in the playroom and on the steps ( of course! ). It was one of those nights that you always picture in your head, when dreaming of the perfect family night. Everyone laughing and getting along. Ella congratulating everyone and giving high fives. Claire laughing and cheering and scowling ( she's quite competitive, I don't know where she gets that! ). Dave and I just simply enjoying our kids.

Isn't that what's it's all about. I know that we all say it, but how often do we do it? How often do we really just stop and play? I know that it is getting easier and more frequent for us. That is yet another blessing that this last year has brought us... a new found desire to spend time together. To slow down and enjoy the moment.

Thank you God for our beautiful Avery. Thank you for making her strong and independent. Thank you for the gift of family. You have blessed our house and our lives with good friends, family and fun.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Vi-car-i-ous: felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others: a vicarious thrill.

Sounds good to me. So why does it have such a hard time? I suppose it's those parents that get a little too excited while living vicariously through their children. Anyway, I'm not one of those.... well most of the time I'm not!

I love it! I love the excitement in the air. The anticipation. The nerves. The competition. I love checking out the other racers, looking in their eyes for a hint of fear, or pride, or confidence.

I love the race! The buzzer, the splash, then the mad dash to the other end! I love watching the little heads pop up out of the water the second they touch the wall and look from side to side to see where everyone else is.

I love the moment after. When I wrap her up in towel and a hug. When we talk about how we did. Good start? Strong kicks? "Did I win!?" She asks so excitedly. "You did great!" I say, hardly able to keep my pride, and competitiveness, inside me.

Yeah, I live vicariouly through my children. Because I love them and I love what they do.

Do I get excited? Do I critique? Do I insist on practice most of the time? You bet! But, at the end of the day, no matter how many ribbons we have or races we've won, my girl knows I love her.

And the best part, she loves it too!