Monday, October 31, 2011

And the Halloween Finale....

Rouse House Family Halloween Party!
A new tradition?? Not sure yet, but we had fun!

We threw a family fun Halloween party this year.
We packed 10 families into the house, set out lots of food,
dug into several pumpkins, and turned the fog machine on.
Then, we let the madness commence!

Looking back, I'd say that it was a lot of work, but a lot of fun!
If nothing else, everyone got good use of their costumes,
and we ended up with some awesome Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween!

A few of the kiddos decorating sugar cookies ~

My "Roman hunk" competing in the carving contest!

"Feel it!  It's not gross!"

The Avilez/Anderson Jack-o-lantern

The Perkins Jack-o-lantern

The Wurth Jack-o-lantern

The grown-ups and their pumpkins!

The judges making their decisions: ugliest, cutest, funniest, most original,
scariest, most confusing, biggest smile

The kids!

Donut Bobbing ~

Avery's version of donut bobbing.  "works better with your hands"~ : )

Round 2 of donut bobbing

Happy Halloween from the Rouse House!