Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First day of 4th grade for Claire!!

I don't know how this happened,
but my baby, my Clairebear, is in 4th grade!

4th grade is a big deal for me.  It is the first
year of school that I really remember.  It the first year of school
that had meaning, that had heartbreak and success and life lessons.
4th grade is where friendships were cemented, changed, or lost.
4th grade is a big deal.

You'd think with all of these memories and
expectations I'd be more nervous, but here's the great part,
I know that Claire is on solid ground.
She's a good kid.  She is smart, and brave
and strong in her faith, and confident in the
fact that she is loved.  She knows she is loved, not
just by me and Dave, but by grandparents and
friends and parents of friends!
And, she knows she is capable.  She's capable
of great things.  And she also knows that, no matter what,
we've got her back.

So, go out Claire and have a great 4th grade year!
I am so proud of you!!

Claire Rene, 9 years old

"the bus stop"

The reminder that she's in fourth grade:
wouldn't even look back for one last smile!