Saturday, May 28, 2011

God creates them each their own...

We are having a wonderful weekend so far.
Aunt Jackie, and her dog McLovin, are visiting
from California.  We always love when we have
family in town!

Today, Aunt Jackie had some friends over and she
was getting ready to give them a tour of our
parent's house.  She turned to my three girls and said,
"Ella, do you want to give the tour?"
Ella got very shy and hugged her leg.
"Claire, do you want to give the tour?"
Claire just shrugged and seemed uninterested.
Before she could say anything else,
Avery pops up, spread her arms open and says,
"Come on people, let's go.  I'm giving you a tour"
and takes off with everyone to follow her!

I am always amazed at how very different my
3 girls are.  They are unique in every way
and consistent in their personalities.
God created 3 very special girls and I am
so grateful to be their mom!

Aunt Jackie and the girls doin' some art!