Thursday, May 20, 2010

I would never let my kids do that!"

Ahh, yes, the wisdom of the soon-to-be or new mom.
Yes, I too was once a young, caring, protective young mother.
Now, apparently, I am old and hardened.

In just this last week I have:
* looked away when I saw Avery pick a goldfish off the ground,
yes ground, not floor, and eat it.
* looked away again when it happened a second time.
* wiped a runny nose on the childs own sleeve for her.
* licked my finger then wiped frosting off a child's cheek.
* said no to Avery 10 times when she asked for food at 2:30am
then on the 11th time, gave up and fed her.
* put Dora the Explorer full-length DVD on so I could rest.
* let my kids climb a tree, over and over again.
