Sunday, May 9, 2010

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride...

Well, actually, for us it's more like "always the flower girls"!

My girls were very fortunate to be able to participate in their former nanny's wedding last weekend. Claire was a Jr. bridesmaid and the little girls were flower girls.
They had a great time getting ready, having pictures taken, walking gracefully down the aisle and partying at the reception.

Claire looked beautiful, a little too grown up for my taste, but beautiful none the less.
Avery managed to make it down the aisle, tossing flowers and not yelling at Ella. She even cracked a smile a few times.
Ella flowed down the aisle, smiling and glowing, like the angel she is.

I sat in the pew at the end of the aisle, praying my kiddos all made it in one piece. Then, as soon as Avery made it into the pew, I slapped the Ipod playing Diego on her, and enjoyed the ceremony.

Afterward, we all headed to the reception, where we ate and danced and laughed with our friends and enjoyed the night.

I am very grateful for the opportunities my kids have. I am especially grateful that so many people want to share their special day with them. That they love my kids and want to have them around. It is humbling and special and I thank God for my sweet angels!

What a beautiful girl, and that hair!

My little angel...

I'm not saying a word about the "devil horns"

Now there is my sweet girl!

Enjoying our desserts......

And some more desserts.....

Good friends to share the fun with!