Friday, March 12, 2010

"It's a miracle swimming cure!"

When Claire was little she was shy. I mean, very shy.
When she was in Kindergarten she didn't want to participate.
She was too shy to raise her hand, too shy to join in, too shy to have fun.
When Claire was little she didn't want to stand out.
She didn't think she was brave or strong.
Well, look at her now!
Swimming has been a blessing for our family.
It has given Claire something that neither I or anyone else could give her... Confidence.
Today, this kid is proud. She is brave. She is outgoing. She is daring.
She has found something she loves.
She has found friends and camaraderie.
She has found her place.
I am so proud of my little swimmer. Not because she's good, but because she works hard at something she loves.

Thank you to the Walnut Creek Dolphin swimmers and coaches!