Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Day Indeed

Yes, I'm smiling again. A big, fat, happy smile. I'm home with my babies again!
First, I want to say thank you to my friends and family who helped me so much in my transition into the workforce, and then back out again!
Second, I want to say thank you to all of my dear friends who go to work everyday and then come home and do a rock star job of taking care of their little ones. You are great examples of all we can do.
Third, I want to thank my dear, dear hubby for helping me realize my priorities and my needs.
Lessons learned. Hearts revealed. Experience gained. Enough said about that. On to better things!

I am very fortunate to be back at DMACC, doing some part time work. I really love it here. I love what I do! What a great feeling!
The best part... Avery gets to come with me 2 days a week. She gets to go to "school" at the DMACC child development center. She loves it! She is so cute!! She takes a nap on a cot, serves her own food, drinks out of a big girl cup, hangs her own coat up and puts her lovey in her cubby.
She washes her hands, often! I love watching her. They have one-way mirrored observation booths so you can go and watch, unnoticed. It is hilarious what kids do when they don't know they're being watched! Priceless!!

The other new highlight of my day is "homework time". When my girls get home from school they each grab their "homework chair", which is one of the stools at the kitchen island, and we do homework together. It is such a great time for the 3 of us to bond. I love hearing about their day, their friends, lunch and the always exciting bus ride!

Finally, I get to pick up my house every night, then head upstairs to snuggle with my husband and look forward to another day. What a great feeling!

Lessons learned this last year:
Budget shopping
I don't know God's plan
I don't know what's best for me or my family all of the time
I have to walk through the crap to appreciate the beauty
I have to be reminded sometimes of what matters most to me
Life isn't always easy or fair or good, but God is!
Just because things aren't going they way I think they should doesn't me I can't be happy. I can be as happy as I choose to be at any time.

Lessons I hope to learn this year:
How to be an awesome Aunt.... I can't wait!!!
How to slow down and enjoy the moment
How to cook