Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
The girls and I just got back from a little post-holiday clothes shopping. What a nightmare! I have to admit I'm so ready for the girls to go back to school. It's not that I don't love spending all the extra time with them, I do. I'm just tired of the bickering! The constant tattling, whining, complaining, arguing, fighting, temper-tantrum throwing, grabbing, snipping on and on and on. Add Averyinto the mix, and well, that is more than any mere mortal can handle!

So anyway, we get home from the mall, I put the baby down for nap and send the girls downstairs to play and I plop in front of my computer for some "down" time. Check my email and head to MSN to catch up on the happenings of the day. I click to watch a video and it begins with a Cascade commercial. You know the one? It's talking about the holidays and it goes through all these different families sitting down to dinner; small families, new families, old families, lonely families, laughing families, baby's first holiday dinner. The tears start coming! How can a commercial bring me to such tears? Because it reminds me again of what is truly important. Family!

They may bicker and fight, but they won't forever. One day I'll wake up and realize my house is totally quiet and wonder why. Then I'll remember, they're gone. Those 3 little girls have grown up and moved out. (Hopefully off to college!) So for today, I'm going to try to relish in the noise and cut them a little slack. I'm going to enjoy the constant stream of questions from Ella and the music coming from Claire's room. I'm going to get on the floor and play ball with Avery and read with Claire. I may even do some art with Ella!

Have a great New Year! I'm off to the kitchen. We've got some Easy Bake Oven cooking to do!