Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big news

Okay, so big news today. I'm thinking about going back to work full-time! I know it seems crazy, but 7 years on the "home" job is starting to take it's toll on this poor lady. Don't get me wrong, I love it! Especially the getting up at 8:00 and showering at 9:00 part, but the constant cleaning, wiping, candyland playing, diaper changing, tea party throwing and talking to Build-a-Bears can get a little old.

My husband has been great! Not only has he supported all of us the last 7 years, but I think he is having a harder time accepting me going back to work than I am! How lucky am I?!

Now, I can't tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity I've had. I have loved every minute of watching my three peanuts learn to walk, talk and eat (well except Avery who still refuses to do the first two!). My mommy groups have been awesome and I have met life-long friends while being a SAHM. I was able to go to grad school and complete my master's while staying home and that was awesome. I love volunteering and doing all those special things that I have the privilege of doing while home. But, I just have that feeling... it's time. Change is good, right? Besides, I can still do that stuff while working. Lucky for me, I have some of the best examples of working moms around! I just hope I can do it as gracefully as them.

So, now the process begins. We have to find a nanny, which could be hard, as it seems to be quite an ordeal. If you know anyone that would fit the bill, let me know.

I'll keep you posted on our progress. We'll call it.... Operation: Get Janelle out of the House!

Stay warm and sing at least one Christmas Carol a day. I swear it makes the day a little brighter, try it!